The hidden sugar in our diet and how to combat consuming too much.… We all know that too much sugar in the diet causes dental problems, obesity, diabetes, nutrient deficiencies and even premature ageing which is probably why, as we refrain from adding it to our tea and sprinkling it over our cereals, sales of […]
Weight Training can Turn Back Time!
Fat accumulates when we eat more calories than we burn. And muscle is the body’s most efficient calorie burner. The more muscle we have, the higher our resting metabolic rates — that is, the rate at which our bodies burn calories when we are at rest.
Weight Lifting For Fat Loss
Often, overdoing cardio will actually decrease your total lean body mass, so you could see a reduction in metabolism over time working against your fat loss efforts.
The Power of the MIND in Reducing Body Fat!
Wayne Dyer: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. Can you see the difference in how you may feel if you view the fat loss lifestyle as a way to look and feel your best, to have great energy and to improve your health versus if you look at the fat loss lifestyle as one of deprivation, rigidity, unfulfilled cravings and a sacrifice?
Fit for Life!
If people realised the benefits of working out, EVERYBODY would be training in the Gym 3 times per week. It makes you energetic for everyday living, it’s not just for weight loss & sports people!
Motivation to Exercise
You hear every Life Coach / Business Coach / Sports Coach talking about ‘Visualisation’. This simply means holding a vision in your mind of your desired outcome.
The benefits of One-to-One Personal Fitness Training
There is a critical factor in ensuring you get the best out of your training programme. If you don’t have it, it almost guarantees failure. And that’s the best information. Most people are busy enough with their job and their daily lives to be off researching the latest techniques on training and diet. But some people do this for a living. They are called ‘personal trainers’.
Weight Training improves Aerobic Fitness
“Aerobic” activity is not the most effective form of exercise for fat-loss. Activities such as running, cycling, swimming etc. do not burn a significant number of calories!
The Lifegym Concept
My name is Tony Matthews. I run a Personal Training Gym here in Dundalk called ‘Lifegym’. We train clients on a one-to-one or small group basis in all areas of improving body shape, weight loss, health and fitness etc. Procedure At Lifegym Personal Training Gym we are different from other Gyms in that we are […]