Motivation to Exercise



‘At Lifegym Personal Training Gym we work with you on a one-to-one basis on a Personalised Training and Nutrition Plan to assist you in Achieving Your Goals in all areas of Health, Fitness & Weight Management’


This article is aimed at motivating you to begin and continue your exercise programme.

Most of us know that we should be doing some form of exercise but tend to put it off until ‘tomorrow’.

Outlined below are several ways of helping you to get and stay motivated


1. Knowledge

 First of all educate yourself of and convince yourself of the benefits of Exercise. When you have a clear idea of the benefits that you can gain then this is good motivation to get out and exercise every day.

The benefits of fitness training;

· The “Feel Good” Factor
· Increased Energy
· Improves Mental Health
· Improves Fitness
· Controls Weight
· Ensures Efficient Muscle Function!
· Ensures Efficient Heart And Lungs!
· Increases Mobility!
· Increases Quality Of Life (Better Able To Do Everyday Tasks)
· Better Concentration
· Better Complexion
· Prevents Many Illnesses And Diseases
· Slows Down The Aging Process


The ‘Feel Good’ Factor

Research has shown that exercise releases “feel good” hormones from the brain (endorphins), which elevate mood.


Increased Energy

The excuse that “I don’t have enough energy to exercise” doesn’t hold here because proper training will actually boost energy levels (Physical & Mental!).

Training will boost your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories/fat), which results in a dramatic boost in your energy levels and helps you burn fat at the same time.


 Reduces the risk of major diseases

Research has also proved that proper exercise and nutrition significantly reduces the risk of the biggest killers in this country, namely heart disease and cancer.
It can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis and can even reverse this condition.
It also reduces the risk of arthritis and diabetes among many other ailments.


Improves Mental Health

With all the pressures, stresses and worries of modern living it is important to realise that exercise helps mental health as much as physical health. In fact the two go hand in hand, haven’t we often heard the phrase “healthy mind in a healthy body”?

Exercise is known to reduce stress, depression and anxiety and generally helps you to feel good about yourself.

Through enhanced body shape and increased physical and mental ability, exercise can boost confidence and self-esteem.

Exercise also aids efficient sleep and helps you feel wide-awake in the morning.
Because of these mental benefits the person can much more efficient, thereby dispelling the myth that “I don’t have enough time to exercise” because exercise actually creates time.


2. Get a Personal Trainer

Going to a personal trainer, especially when beginning exercise, is a great way to set you in the right direction.

One-to-one sessions provide you with greater motivation.

The client is constantly monitored, motivated and supported to steer him/ her towards the agreed goals in a safe, effective and efficient manner.

People have told me that having to keep an appointment means they are more likely to work out than if they were just going to the gym on their own.

People often give up because they dont have the correct guidance.


3. Have Fun

Pick activities that you enjoy doing. We are more likely to do things that we like and less likely to make excuses.


4. Set Goals

Set goals and track your progress. This could be as simple as finding out your ideal weight and weighing yourself every week to see how much you’ve lost.


5. Have a Hero!

Find a picture of someone you believe to be in the perfect shape and pin it on your wall to inspire you!


6. Exercise with a friend.

Statistics tell us that people who exercise with a friend are more successful at exercising consistently. You can keep each other accountable. Knowing that someone is waiting for you to exercise with them can be great motivation to show up and get it done!

For more information on beginning a Healthy Lifestyle visit or contact us by phone or email (see below).
Now you can get all the benefits of Personal Training Online at a fraction of the cost of visiting a Personal Trainer by simply logging on to our main site
Lifegym Personal Training Gym Ireland