On our initial consultation with new clients, regardless of their other goals, almost everyone says that they would like more energy. GET MOVING Exercise creates energy. You may feel that ‘I don’t have enough energy to exercise’, but the opposite is true. When you exercise properly you firm up muscle tissue and boost your metabolic […]

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Exercise Boosts Libido!

Intense forms of resistance training like weightlifting reflect positively on increasing testosterone levels. Testosterone or “T” is a powerful hormone produced naturally in both men and women. It’s responsible for sexual arousal and can be increased through exercise. Fit adults have more electrifying sex lives than individuals who lead sedentary lives. A fitness lifestyle involves […]

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The Power of the MIND in Reducing Body Fat!

Wayne Dyer: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. Can you see the difference in how you may feel if you view the fat loss lifestyle as a way to look and feel your best, to have great energy and to improve your health versus if you look at the fat loss lifestyle as one of deprivation, rigidity, unfulfilled cravings and a sacrifice?

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